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Quit-ing your job in haste?

Quitting a job amidst an unpredictable pandemic – many people are doing it!!!
New Workplace revolution or a passing post-pandemic spasm?

How many of these sound like you?

+ I hate my job
+ My boss is abusive
+ My co-workers drive me crazy
+ I’ll never be successful
+ There is no chance for advancement
+ My company doesn’t pay well
+ My work offers no creativity

The work that we do is a self-reflection of our self-worth and our value to the world.

The kind of work we do is important to us because each of us is a unique individual.

We want to feel we are contributing to the world. We want to find our passion and purpose.

We are meant to use our own talents, intelligence, and creative ability.

When we feel unappreciated, unhappy, or even angry in our current job, we stay stuck.

So before we guide our clients to a career they are passionate about, and it ticks the purpose box, we have to find positivity and happiness right where they’re standing.
A negative mind will not bring you positive experiences.

Where you are standing, the choices you made, which were dictated by the thoughts you think, and the emotions you feel got you here.

Thoughts can be changed. We can make better choices.

That boss we find intolerable can become our champion.

The dead-end position with no hope for advancement may open up to a new career full of possibilities. The annoying co-worker can become a friend introduce us to the person we need to meet to change our path.

There are an infinite number of channels available if you can change your thinking.

You must first accept in consciousness that abundance and fulfillment can come from anywhere.

You are the change. You are the power.

1. Use 10 adjectives to describe your boss and coworkers. Focus on the positive. Before work, say things like, “Thank you that my boss is so smart.” “I am so grateful Becky remembers everyone’s birthday; I love the cakes she makes.”
2. If you could become anything, what would it be?
3. If you have any career, what would it be?

You have to start imagining, dreaming, visualizing, then you will begin creating the life you desire.

Our minds stop our life.

Start speaking to yourself in an empowering way. When you feel empowered, you take empowered action. Action creates change.

Most of our clients feel the following if you feel the same, use the affirmation that follows.

~ Unworthy.
Affirmation: I am adequate and equipped for all situations.

~ Imposter Syndrome
Affirmation: I accept my imperfection within my perfection. All is well, I am more than capable.

~ Not good enough for success
Affirmation: Everything I touch is a success.

~My work doesn’t pay well
Affirmation: I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.

It’s time to create empowered action.

1. Write down daily tasks.
2. Write down weekly tasks.
3. Write down projects you are working on or want to work on for your future.

Take the 3 lists and create a schedule for your week.
Purpose is consciously forging your own path.

Before you quit your job

Still hell bent on quitting your job?

It’s a huge decision. It’s also something all of us have considered at least once. Before you make any rash decisions, you need to ask yourself a few very important questions:

1. Have You Worked In That Profile For Two Years?
What the heck is the two-year rule, and why does it matter? Well, typically, it takes a few months to train and get comfortable in a position. However, most people aren’t just automatically great at their work. They need to take some time to hone their new skills and really provide value to the company before they can market those new skills toward another job.
Developing new skills or building on current ones usually happens sometime during your first or second year at a posting. Spending less than two years at a job could hurt your career and give employers the impression that you’re a job hopper. But if the situation is dire, staying could be worse.
It’s important to ask the following questions to better determine if quitting your job is the right career move for you.

2. Do You Have The Right Experience?
Have you built up enough experience so you can effectively market yourself for another role? You may need to stay a little longer so you can build that credibility and really hone those skills. That way, you’ll have a better shot of getting that job you really want.
On your resume, the best way to get a hiring manager’s attention (and get your resume past the ATS) is to quantify your skills and accomplishments. So, ask yourself: Can I quantify my work experience on my resume? Or have I not accomplished enough at my current role?
If not, it’s probably best for you to stay a bit longer at your job before quitting. Finish up that big project, or try to get as much experience as you can before the quarter ends.

3. Are You Overworked?
Are you feeling like things are getting a little out of control? Are you just burned out?
If that’s the case, you want to try to “reclaim” the job. Look for assistance, tools, and resources so you can take more control over your job and tasks.
If being “overworked” is part of the workplace culture at your job, then it could be time to quit, especially if it’s negatively affecting your mental health and you’ve tried to make changes and you still feel burned out at work. Just make sure you ask about workplace culture in your future job interviews, so you don’t accept a job offer at another company with the same overworking atmosphere.

4. Have You Tried To Energize The Role, Or Take It To The Next Level?

Sometimes, we get bored. We know the job like the back of our hand, it’s easy, and we’re looking for more of a challenge. So, you should be stepping up to the plate and ASKING for those responsibilities.
Instead of quitting your job, it might be a good time to leverage the skills you’ve learned.

Before asking for a promotion, try asking your manager if there’s anything you can take off their plate. Not only will this show initiative and make it easier for you to ask for a raise or promotion in the future, but it could help protect you from getting laid off.
If your company is laying off employees, your manager might be more likely to vouch for you to the higher-ups, because if you’re gone, your manager will have to go back to doing everything you took off their plate (and they don’t want that).

5. Is There Something Else Going On?

Are you blaming work when it’s really something going on in other areas of your life? Things like relationship issues or other challenges can cause extra stress. 
If you’re blaming your job for that extra stress, quitting is probably not your best option because that stress is just going to carry over to the next job.
It’s better to resolve the issues that are happening outside of work before you leave your job—if you decide that’s still the right career move.

And lastly, it’s wise to seek advice. We at Grazing Minds offer counselling, one-one mentoring solutions (starting at INR 499) apart from our conventional upskilling programs which help you succeed. To enquire about a counselling session, do contact us today.

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